Westonwood Ranch Rodeo · Freeport, Florida Event Photographer
Back in March I went home to Florida to honor and celebrate the life of a friend who passed away. It was an unexpected trip, my flight was booked just 12 hours before I flew out and I scrambled to get myself ready. It was an exhausting day getting there but I was so so so very thankful to be home and be there with everyone. Because of my reasons for travel, I had a more laid back week than normal. Usually I'm booked up with shoots, and I did do a few, but mostly I spent time with friends and family. It was a healing trip to say the least, from walks through the woods, sunsets on the beach, hugging, laughing, crying, and remembering... all the things we as humans need to heal from loss.
Coming home happened to coincide with a lot of my family visiting the beach for spring break. Some of my close family was traveling down in time to go to the Westonwood Rodeo. My aunt ended up telling me all about the rodeo and the ranch, and told me they actually needed a photographer to come and take some family photos for an article that was going to be published in the Birmingham Magazine.
I quickly learned what a wonderful thing they are doing at their ranch in Freeport, Florida. This lovely family decided to start a ranch that specializes in helping children enter adolescence and adulthood that are on the autism spectrum. Their own precious child, Weston, is on the spectrum and is the reason they have poured their heart and soul into creating this incredible ranch. The Westonwood Rodeo was to benefit the ranch. All proceeds and entry fees by cowboys went toward the ranch itself.
So, my aunt told me about the ranch, the rodeo, and then put me in touch with Lindy (the incredible mother to Weston who made all of this possible). From here, I hope the photos tell the rest of the story well!
(To read more about Westonwood Ranch, click here)