Fire Queen · Colorado Fire Spinning · Flow Arts Photographer

Hey y’all, I’m really REALLY attempting to be better at posting. I always say that when I go through these phases of actually posting somewhat consistently… but as I’ve been working and finishing up school and trying to build my portfolio/social media/website, I’ve really realized how incredibly important it is to update my blog so that I have new media coming into my website somewhat frequently. I’m always taking photos and theres no reason I shouldn’t be updating this more often. So here’s to trying to keep up with my blog!! Hope y’all enjoy.

Here’s something that as a reader who doesn’t know me wouldn’t know about me – I spin fire and so do some of my friends! There are lots of different types of flow props that can also be made to spin fire. Mostly I use fire hoops but I do dabble in other props as well – maybe I’ll post some photos of myself sometime, but for now I want to share some of these photos of my best friend, soul sister, bfffffffffffffffff, Hassie! I looooooooove taking photos of people dancing, flowing, moving, etc.. there’s something so incredibly magical about what you can capture when someone has entered that flow state. Passion just overflows out of their being, it’s indescribable to me. You don’t have to pose someone or try to make someone feel comfortable when they already are, because they are doing what they love and finding confidence in that.

I could go on and on about flow arts and how incredible the community is, how much I love being a part of it and how much I enjoy shooting photos of people moving so beautifully.. but I’ll spare you for now 

So, here are some images of Hassie spinning fire fans on our camping trip a few weeks ago at dusk, creating this ethereal back light in contrast to the fire.

Mallory Williams